In light of recent announcements from Governor Mike Dunleavy, Dr Anne Zink, and changing CDC advice about the COVID19 virus, the Alaska Republican Party State Central Committee meeting will convene electronically as scheduled on April 2.
Thereafter, beginning on April 3, the State Convention will convene electronically. The order of business at that time will be:
- Completion of registration of delegates and alternates
- Seating of delegates and alternates
- Election of national delegates and alternates
- Election of state Party officers
- Election of state presidential electors
These actions will keep the ARP in compliance with RNC rules regarding our national convention delegates and alternate delegates. It will also provide the ARP continued representation on the RNC.
Thereafter, the state convention will recess to a future date and time certain in Juneau.
This decision has been taken in close consultation with ARP Rules Chair, Lisa Santerre, RNC counsel and State Convention Organizing Chair Paulette Simpson. Paulette is also working with hoteliers, caterers and vendors to minimize any economic impact of postponement.
Please know that Party leadership is working to accomplish all of the tasks of our convention in the best way possible. We ask for your cooperation as we craft the necessary procedures to allow us to move forward.
Glenn Clary, ARP Chairman