Resolution 4 – Physical Privacy



WHEREAS, the Municipality of Anchorage and the City and Borough of Juneau have adopted local ordinances prohibiting discrimination on the basis of “gender identity” and/or “gender expression”;

WHEREAS, hearings have been held in the 30th Alaska Legislature on legislation that would similarly prohibit discrimination on the basis of “gender identity” and/or “gender expression”;

WHEREAS, one disturbing effect of such policies is to allow persons of a particular biological sex to gain access to intimate facilities ordinarily reserved for the opposite sex, such as locker rooms, showers, changing rooms, and restrooms;

WHEREAS, women or girls should not have to undress in front of men or boys, and vice versa;

WHEREAS, persons using intimate facilities such as locker rooms and showers have a right to physical privacy, which includes the right not to be seen in various stages of undress by members of the opposite


WHEREAS, the failure to protect this right to physical privacy can create unsafe situations, and may

potentially cause embarrassment, shame, and psychological injury;

WHEREAS, there have been a growing number of incidents both in Alaska and across the nation in which biological men or boys have “lawfully” gained access to intimate facilities reserved for women or girls, and vice versa, under the guise of self-identifying as a gender different than biological sex;

WHEREAS, it should be the duty of State and local government to protect Alaskans’ privacy, safety, and dignity in intimate settings such as locker rooms and showers, not threaten it; and

WHEREAS, State and local governments have numerous other means at their disposal to protect the interests of self-described “transgender” persons without jeopardizing the safety, privacy, and dignity of the other 99 percent of citizens; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Alaska Republican Party opposes policies, whether at the State or local level, that allow persons to gain access to intimate facilities such as locker rooms on the basis of “gender identity” or “gender expression” instead of biological sex; be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Alaska Republican Party supports proposals, such as Proposition 1 on the April 3, 2018 local election ballot in the Municipality of Anchorage, that would remove the harmful mandate that requires businesses, schools, and even churches to allow biological men to access intimate facilities reserved for women, and vice versa; and, be it

FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Alaska Republican Party urges the Legislature to adopt a statewide policy that would protect the right to physical privacy of persons using intimate facilities such as locker rooms, showers, changing rooms, and restrooms, consistent with the constitutional provision in Article 1, Section 22.


Passed without objection by the Alaska Republican Party State Convention in Anchorage, March 9, 2018

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