District 29 Monthly Meeting (Republicans only) Band of Brothers (on Bogard Rd)2050 N Merciful Cir, Wasilla.For more info, contact…D29 Chair: D29Chair@pm.meD29 Secretary: d29@mtaonline.net
Topic and goals: Special guest speaker, finding where you fit in the District 30 puzzle, identifying and using your skills and gifts to help our District and State succeed. Patriotic Birthday Cake contest, bake your best Independence Day Cake and present it to attendees in celebration of our Nation’s birth. Prizes for “Best looking” and “Best tasting” […]
District 36 Republicans plan to hold a committee meeting via zoom on Saturday, July 6th, starting at 7 PM. We plan to interview another GOP candidate for State House. Any interested Republican may obtain the zoom link from either Chair Josiah Henry or from another of the committee members.
District 16 Meeting. Open to all registered Republicans in our district. We have several important things to discuss including our State House race and the upcoming primary in August. Location: 2825 Illiamna Ave, Anchorage, AK
The District 36 Republicans plan to hold a zoom meeting on July 17 th in order tointerview our final GOP candidate for State House. There may also be furtherdiscussion about plans for the regional fundraiser and the Deltana Fair. InterestedRepublicans may obtain the zoom link, once created, from either Chair Josiah Henry orfrom one of […]
Monthly Meeting for District 25 Republicans. These meetings are held the first Thursday of the month. Location to be determined. Please check back here for location information.
District 36 Republicans will be holding a district meeting via Zoom on August 3rd. We plan to discuss any final actions that need to be done before the regional fundraiser, and we may also contemplate a Congressional endorsement. Interested Republicans may obtain the zoom link from either Chair Josiah Henry or from one of the […]