Dear Friends,Every two years, Alaska Republicans hold District Conventions in each of the 40 Legislative Districts around the state.The purpose of these is to:
- Elect District Officers (two-year term) and Elect Delegates to the State Convention (State Convention is April 21-23 in Fairbanks)
- Develop changes to the Alaska Republican Party rules.
- Develop changes to the State Platform and Resolutions.
You are invited to attend your District Convention and be a part of these elections and discussions as a registered Republican.District 8 Convention(previous District 29)Nikiski to Sterling to Bear Creek to Funny RiverDate: Saturday, February 26Time: 9am – 4pmPlace: Nikiski Senior Center- 50025 Lake Marie Ave, NikiskiCost: $35 (includes lunch)To Pre-Register – go here, pay $35: More information: Wayne (907) 690-1308I hope that you can join us. We will have interesting speakers and discuss how we can make a difference in this turbulent world.
Wayne OgleDistrict 8 (29), Chair