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District 24 Convention February 19, 2022

February 19, 2022 @ 9:00 am1:00 pm

Republican District 24 Convention, Saturday, February 19, 2022 at the Harry J. McDonald Center ( 13701 Harry McDonald Road, Eagle River, AK)

There is a Delegate fee being recommended of $25 to cover meeting expenses, but is not required. The fee can be paid  HERE.

We are having our Alaska District 24 Republican Convention!

Dear ,
In even numbered years, your Alaska Republican Party holds District Conventions in each of its
40 Legislative Districts for the purpose of:

1. Electing District Officers (Two-year term), Delegates, and Alternates to represent your District at
the State Convention.
2. To develop changes to the Alaska Republican Party State Rules
3. To develop changes to the State Platform and Resolutions.

Proposed Announcement letter to District Republicans

You are cordially invited to attend your District Convention and participate as a registered Republican in the state of Alaska. Please be advised that you must have registered with the State of Alaska Division of Elections as a Republican at least 90 days before your District Convention is held to fully participate. If you are a Republican, but need to update your address, etc. voter registration forms will be available at the District Convention.
If you have not met the 90-day rule, you are welcome at the District Convention, but please understand that you are a non-voting, silent guest. Similarly, you may not run for office or be a delegate to the State Convention.
We welcome and value your opinions and ideas and encourage you to contact your District Chairman for more information on how you can participate in this very important activity that will help shape Alaska politics for the future of our great state.

Our District 24 Convention is scheduled for February 19, 2022, 10:00am at the Harry J. McDonald Memorial Center (13701 Harry McDonald Rd, Eagle River, AK 99577)
Registration will be from 9:00am to 10:00am. We will be doing a potluck style brunch, so please bring a dish. We will wait until 10:30am to allow everyone to grab a plate before we begin our official business, and plan to adjourn at 1:00pm
Note: we will also have a zoom option, but pre-registration will be required by sending an email to alaskad24republicans@gmail.com.

The Delegate Fee being recommended to cover meeting expenses is $25.00, but not required.
I have included a Map of District 24, Convention Training Manual, Jan 13, 2022 Minutes and the State Convention Delegate count (We will have 11).
Please forward this notice to all known republicans in our district, and be sure to send additional names and email so we can include them on our mailing list.
More to come…


Matt Cruickshank, D24 Interim Chair


February 19, 2022
9:00 am – 1:00 pm


Harry J McDonald Center
13701 Harry J. McDonald Road
Eagle River, AK 99577 United States
+ Google Map
(907) 696-0051